Easy Tricks to Making Your Website More Visible

5 Easiest Ways to Increase your Site Visibility

Site Visibility CEO SUITE

Most of the new website owners or webmasters don't have any idea on how their site can be visible on search engines. Some of them think that once you've created a website, your website will automatically visible to all search engines, but they are all wrong.
So here are the 5 easiest way to increase your site visibility:

1. Create a Sitemap
Sitemap is textually or visually organized list of pages of your site, which allows the crawlers and users to check your site structure. There are many ways to create a sitemap.

XML-Sitemap Generator – FREE
Xml Sitemap Generator is one of the very basic xml sitemap generators that can scan and generate 500 pages of your site for FREE, but if you want to have unlimited number of pages you may have it for $20.

Screaming Frog – PAID £99
Screaming Frog is a powerful SEO tool, which crawls websites' CSS, Scripts, Images, Links, Meta Title, Meta Description and many more. It can also scan and generate all your pages without any limit for your sitemap.

2. Submit Your Sitemap to all Major Search Engine Webmaster Tools

So here is how to setup and submit your website to Google, Yahoo and Bing.

Google Webmaster Tools

1. Create an account in Google. Visit https://accounts.google.com/signup

GWT Sign Up

2. Visit http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools and sign in your Google account.
Here are the complete instruction from Google on how to submit your site to their engine.

GWT Search Console

Yahoo/Bing Webmaster Tools

Create a Microsoft Account

Log in to your Microsoft account

On the left sidebar, click Add a Site

Add your URL and Sitemap, then click add.

Verify your website ownership with these 2 easy options:

Option 1
Place the Bing authentication XML file to your web server
Upload the file to your domain root. i.e. www.yoursite.com/bingsiteauth.xml
Confirm successful upload by visiting www.yoursite.com/bingsiteauth.xml
Click the verify button below

Option 2
Copy and paste the Bing authentication code to the <head> section of your default webpage.

3. Create Unique Title Tags

Sample Code
<title>Services – Target Keyword – Company Name</title>

Moz 4. Write a Killer Meta Description

Code Sample

<meta name="description" content="This is an example of a meta description. This will often show up in search results.">

According to Neil Patel, best known for his work in Digital Marketing, "Meta Description is the most important for improving click-through rate from search result pages."

Although Google reiterated that having Meta Description will not affect your site or keywords ranking within search results, it will still help webmasters to improve their click-through rate.

So here is your checklist when creating a killer Meta Description Tag.
Length: There are no exact rules regarding the length of Meta Description, but search engines normally shorten snippets longer than 160 characters. So it is still best to keep your Meta Descriptions between 140 to 155 characters.

Uniqueness: All your Meta Description tags must be written differently for every pages of your website.

Call to Action: It is very important that your Meta Description convinces the users to trigger the click. (e.g. Get it Now, Try for FREE, Learn More, Avail our promo this month, Money back guarantee)

Keyword Placement: Just like with Meta Title, your most important keywords should be also in the content of your Meta Descriptions.

Relevance: All your Meta Descriptions should always be relevant to the content of your pages. Never ever write Meta Descriptions that are not relevant to your pages.

Period: Always end your Meta Descriptions with a period. That is the best practice in writing your descriptions.

Brand Mention: It is important to add your company name in your Meta Description to help someone who is searching for your brand specifically to find you faster.

Quotation Marks: Do not use quotation marks on your Meta Descriptions because Google will just cut them off.

5. Create a Compelling Content

Content is King – If you want to rank higher in the search listing page, then make your average content length for a web page to 2,000 words. Based from a study, it shows that the websites that contain more words have a better chance to be at the top 10 of the search listing page.
TRY IT NOW! Check the first 10 websites that rank with your target keyword.

Below is the test chart from serpIQ.

serpiq serpiq1

  1. Research Your Target Keywords – Research your target keywords in Google Trends.
    Don't forget to search first for the keywords that trend. It will give you an insight on what keywords to use and what keywords are currently trending in your niche.
  2. H1 Tag – Create an awesome title then make sure that it is written with a Heading 1 format. H1 tag is the most important heading of your website because it will improve your search engine ranking when you use it correctly.

Sample Code
<h1>5 Easiest Ways to Increase your Site Visibility</h1>
Q.U.R.A (Quality,Uniqueness, Relevance, Accurate)
Q uality – A well-written copy that gives the user tips on how they can apply what you are offering to them.

U niqueness – Give them information that is unique, different, and useful.
Check your text on Copyscape, an online plagiarism detection service that checks all your copies to avoid duplicate content on the web.

R elevance – Avoid frustration for users when your copy is not relevant to your title.
"Search engines areanswer machines . When a person performs an online search, the search engine scours its corpus of billions of documents and does two things: first, it returns only those results that are relevant or useful to the searcher's query; second, it ranks those results according to the popularity of the websites serving the information. It is both relevance and popularity that the process of SEO is meant to influence."
If you want to know more on how search engines operate, visit MOZ.

A ccuracy – When you write an article, many people will read it, so some part of the copy you wrote can't
turn out to be inaccurate. Always keep in mind that your copy is a reflection of your company. It will also build trust with all your readers.

It's important that any information you stated is correct.

Oct 29, 2015


Source: https://ceosuite.co.id/5-easiest-ways-to-increase-your-site-visibility/

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